🌌✨ New Moon in Aries and Solar Eclipse During Mercury Retrograde Energy April 8th @ 1:50pm

As we gather under the celestial umbrella of the New Moon in Aries, accompanied by a Solar Eclipse, we’re ushered into a vortex of transformation. This cosmic alignment, marked on April 8th at precisely 1:50 pm, is not just another celestial event. It’s a profound invitation to embrace change, transformation, and the fiery energy of Aries. This period is about finding clarity, purity, confidence, and acting on impulse for your well-being, all while navigating the complexities of our loving relationships, boundaries, and all things we find beautiful.

Lunar Insights

The New Moon in Aries, a cardinal fire sign, known for its energy, confidence, and intuition, aligns with Mercury in Retrograde, Venus in Aries, Chiron, and Aris. This alignment brings an intensity and impulsiveness, prompting us to focus on personal growth, healing, and transformation. The conjunctions highlight how change will manifest through love (Venus), communication (Mercury), nature (Aris), and inner healing (Chiron). Harness this energy by focusing on healing old wounds. Give genuine offerings to the earth to improve how we love, communicate, live, and grow. With the Solar Eclipse’s energy impacting us for over a year, start a journal to document your journey and growth during this time.

What to expect during this phase of the New Moon in Aries and Solar Eclipse

Plants and Crystals for Aries

Plant Spotlight:

Sunflower and Ginger: Embrace the sunflower for its vibrant energy and love; ginger for igniting success. Incorporate sunflowers into your space, real or faux, to beautify your environment. Add ginger to your meals or drinks as a dietary boost for success (internal and external).

Crystal Focus:

Bloodstone and Clear Quartz:

Bloodstone enhances energy, while Clear Quartz brings clarity. Keep these crystals close, meditate with them, or place them among your plants to align with the Moon’s energy.

Reiki and Energy Healing

Embrace Aries’s fiery energy with Reiki practices that focus on the themes of Mercury and Venus. Use symbols and mantras that resonate with these celestial bodies to enhance your connection to the universe. Meditation practices focused on embracing change, loving communication, and personal growth are particularly powerful during this time.

Here are some tips:

  • Imagine a swirl starting from your heart, moving outward, signifying the expanding energy of love. For communication, visualize this symbol at your throat, glowing brightly, enhancing your words with clarity and power.
    • Imagine sending a light beam from your heart to a loved one or to your future self, facilitating healing and understanding.
    • Envision a radiant light at the crown of your head, connecting you to the universal energy.

Craft Corner

Inspired by the current Moon phase, I’m creating Soular Return cards in Canva for Aries and Taurus, wishing success and growth. Here’s how you can make your own:

Create a free account on Canva or log in.

Select a card template that resonates with the person you’re creating it for.

Infuse your creation with personal touches and creativity.

Affirmations and Journal Prompts


“I embrace transformation and welcome growth with open arms.”

“My energy aligns with the fiery confidence of Aries, propelling me forward.”

“I communicate with love and clarity, understanding the power of my words.”

Journal Prompt: Reflect on how Mercury in Retrograde, Venus in Aries, Chiron, and Aris’s energy influences your personal goals, feelings, and the transformation encouraged by this lunar cycle.

This New Moon in Aries and Solar Eclipse marks not just a celestial event but a personal milestone. As I celebrate my Solar Return and 48th birthday, I reflect on past Solar Eclipses since 1999 and their profound impact on my growth and perspective. Sharing these experiences with my family has been enlightening, showcasing how these cosmic moments shape our lives. I encourage you to delve into your own cosmic journey, sharing your insights, crafts, or how the Moon’s energy influences your path.

I’d love to hear about your reflections, craft projects, or experiences with the suggested plants and crystals. Share your stories in the comments, and don’t forget to follow the blog or our social media for more cosmic insights and updates. Let’s continue this journey of growth and transformation together.

Would you be interested in a free journal to help you with this transformational change in your healing?

Leave me a comment with your email address and I will surely get that to you

May this blog serve as a beacon for guiding you through the cosmic energies with wisdom, love, and a dash of celestial flair. 🌙

Sending Positive inner-G, Reiki Ra-ess

keywords: New Moon in Aries, Solar Eclipse April 2024, Mercury Retrograde 2024, Reiki Healing Techniques, Aries Moon Energy, Spiritual Healing, Energy Update April 2024, Reiki Symbols for Love, Reiki for Personal Growth, Crystal Healing, Spiritual Growth and Transformation, Reiki Energy Practices, Moon Phases and Energy, Aries Zodiac Insights, Holistic Healing Practices, Using Crystals for Healing, DIY Spiritual Practices, Astrology and Reiki, Solar Eclipse Spiritual Meaning, Plant Remedies for Zodiac Signs

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