Mercury Retrograde in Aries and Mars Energy

Welcome, beautiful souls, to our cosmic journey through the stars during this Mercury Retrograde period from April 1st to April 25th. As we sail through the fiery sign of Aries, guided by the warrior energy of Mars, we’re called to navigate our emotions and communications with extra care. This celestial event, though an optical illusion, has profound effects on our personal technology, agreements, and how we express ourselves. It’s a time of reflection, realignment, and transformation, especially with the eclipse season upon us. Let’s explore how to harness this energy for our growth and well-being.

Lunar Insights

This Mercury Retrograde in Aries invites us to balance our impulses with thoughtful planning. Aries, a cardinal Air sign ruled by Mars, ignites our desire to act swiftly and passionately. However, this period calls for introspection. It’s crucial to be mindful of our emotions and the power of our words. This time also aligns with eclipse season, ushering in significant transformations that, while intense, can lead us to profound growth. Ask yourself: What intentions are being highlighted? Are they driven by fleeting emotions, or are they aligned with your deeper truth?

Plants and Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

Plant Spotlight: Basil

Basil, a herb of Mars, resonates with the energy of Aries, enhancing courage and protection during this retrograde. It’s a reminder to nurture our inner warrior with patience and love. Incorporate basil into your diet or keep a plant nearby to infuse your space with its protective vibes.

Crystal Focus: Carnelian

Carnelian, a stone of action, embodies Mars’ vitality. It supports courage, positive life choices, and motivates for success. During this retrograde, work with Carnelian to help stabilize and focus, bridging the gap between emotional impulse and logical action.

Reiki and Energy Healing

Embrace the retrograde with Reiki energy to maintain balance and harmony. Utilize the Sei He Ki symbol to harmonize your emotional and mental well-being. Incorporate mantras such as “I move with intention and clarity,” aligning your actions with your highest purpose. Meditation focused on balancing the solar plexus chakra can also fortify your inner strength during this period.

Craft Corner

Inspired by the themes of reflection and transformation, let’s create a mystery box! Cover a simple box from Amazon with crafting paper, embodying your intentions and dreams. This box can hold affirmations, crystals, or anything that symbolizes your journey through Mercury Retrograde. Let this craft be a physical manifestation of your inner work during this time.

Affirmations and Journal Prompts


“I communicate with clarity and grace,”

“I embrace transformation with ease and trust the process.”

Journal Prompts: Reflect on a recent conversation that didn’t go as planned. How could you approach it differently now? Consider how the eclipse season’s transformations are realigning your path. What shifts are you noticing?

This Mercury Retrograde and eclipse season invite us to slow down, reflect, and realign with our deepest truths. It’s a potent time for personal growth and transformation if we navigate it with awareness and intention. I’d love to hear how you’re experiencing this period, any crafts you’ve created, or insights you’ve gained. Let’s support each other through this cosmic journey.

Share your reflections, craft projects, or experiences with the plant and crystal suggestions in the comments below. For more cosmic insights and self-care tips, follow the blog and join our social media community. Let’s embrace this retrograde season with love, laughter, and a spirit of adventure.

Sending positive inner-G,

Reiki Ra-ess

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