It’s 2021, Are They still Guessing with Fibromyalgia?

I have noticed on many sites that people are questioning their reason for having fibromyalgia. Personally, I can say it is unconditional. I was told it was a dis-ease for lazy people, I been that. Then they say it is for people who have had past trauma, I been that. And then I have been told if you have been in pain most of your life and have taken medications to make you sleep a lot is the reason as well. Well, hell I have been that, too!

Time and time again, it is a different guess.

The truth is fibromyalgia is caused by a multitude of issues

I journal a lot and I ran across a note I started but did not finish called:

How I got Fibromyalgia

“No one really knows; they say it is a lazy persons disease. Is it?

They also say people parish for the lack of knowledge or just simply not paying attention to the signs

I can remember my first real migraine, I was around age 7, this was the same year my parents separated and we moved back to my Big Mamas house, from England. It was a stormy day and all I could do was hold my head and cry, the only way it appeared to escape it was to sleep, so I slept. I travelled to many countries in my youth but always landed back home in Austin. My point was, I don’t recall ever being sick anywhere else but after returning back to my home town some illness that I had never experienced would occur.

Like in middle school I suffered from a severe food allergy from a cookie I had at lunch, it was the only thing I had new or different that was added to my diet. To this day, I am not sure what was in it or if they changed the ingredients to their normal meal plan but it was one of the worse things I had experienced but after a couple of Benadryl, all I could do was sleep. I think I slept a few days. This was less than 6 months after moving from living in England about 5 years.

Over the years to come I had several more reactions to grapes, lettuce, peanuts, and raw cabbage … I even get severe cramps and constipation  eating watermelons and ground beef. Don’t let me get started on milk!
Nevertheless, each time I encountered foods that caused me harm, I would just sleep. Now is that lazy or just coping?

I learned very quickly what caused hives, it was years before I was able to learn what caused IBS and migraines.

My illnesses may the culprit to becoming an introvert. I couldn’t eat everything others ate and never knew what altered ingredients would do to my stomach or skin. Because of this I rarely attended functions where there were a lot of people, especially after I stripped completely naked on my birthday in front of my best friend and scratching like a crazy person. I’m scratching now, just thinking about it!

The truth is fibromyalgia is caused by a multitude of issues. I hardly ever talk about being molested by an older cousin and the confusion that surrounded it, so I kept it inside, found ways to entertain myself to block out the shame. Then there was the 7 years of abuse I endured with a boyfriend that did not end well, I guess that type of thing never does, I did not talk about it much either. Just cried when I was alone long enough.

Until 2008, I was somewhat healthy. I found ways to overcome the IBS, Migraines and past abuse. I found out about herbs and foods to decrease flares and mood swings. I did not always eat the healthiest but I had a gym membership or workout equipment at home. Weight was always the forefront of my concern, other than being a mom… I would always attempt to keep myself up.

A few months after giving birth again after 16 years, I believe that is the longest I have been still and when I was gifted some videos to help remove my belly I found myself in bed for 3 weeks after just 2 days of working out! It took 3 months to find out why I felt like I was in a car wreck, oh yeah, I had been in one of those too and that is how I know what it feels like.

So my question is how long did I have it?

I remember, not being to stand all day at an early age. My first job was at Little Caesar’s when I was about 17. It was part time, but when I got home my hips and legs hurt terribly. Then I worked at Whataburger for about 6-8 months and I felt like I was dying from the waist down.

I was truly thankful, when I started working in the county court house. At least I could sit and stand equally.

It’s time to take out the guess work and do the work ourselves


All of this was before I was 20 years old.

Nonetheless, I was still active, I did not frequent many clubs because it hurt to dance sometimes (and I couldn’t). Most of my outings consist of going somewhere to eat. I was never one to stay in the gym for hours at a time but I did what was needed to keep myself fit and toned.

It sounds to me like I have had it for about 20 years! At 30+ it manifested into something greater than I could ignore.

What gave me peace was journaling, I journaled about the food I ate, the issues I could not talk about out loud, the books I wanted to write, poems, past and current problems and it gave me a sense of calm. I did not feel the pressures of life. I was one who went through 2-3 journals a year.

It’s time to take out the guess work and do the work ourselves. In my late 30s, I started journaling for self-reflection. I would go back over what I had written by the end of the year to see what I have learned, what I had changed, what changed me or how I changed others.

And it let me to write 2 books. That helped me to focus less on my fibromyalgia and more on reasons to live.

This year, I decided to share how I am able to overcome some obstacles of living with chronic pain while black, while female, while parenting, while homeschooling, while being a wife and while looking for ways to make ends meet when you can no longer keep up with the career you’ve had for more most of your life.

Purchase your copy today and start seeing results immediately! Feel the peace and calm it brings. Learn the tools to use to help get you motivated to live again but with new changes. Journaling really is the voice sent from the MostHigh.

Until next time. Hetepu. Jah Rastafari. Shalom. Hamdulliah. Hari Krishna Hari Bol. Nam-Myoho-RengeKyo. Halleluyah. AHO. Namaste. Ase!⁠

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